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My own story is something I avoided telling, even throughout my early years as an acupuncturist and alternative healthcare practitioner, until recently. As a teen I started developing strange symptoms- trouble breathing, extreme fatigue, serious digestive symptoms and the most terrifying for me personally- extreme joint pain in my ankles, knees and fingers that sometimes made it difficult to walk or use my hands. What I remember the most about this period of my life was fear. Fear that even as a teenager I was falling apart inside my body while friends and peers thrived and still seemed youthful.  Fear about what was happening to me because I felt that something was really wrong, and yet no one else seemed to take it seriously. I was taken to doctors and reported my symptoms but I received only the diagnosis of "growing pains".


I carried these symptoms in my body from my teens until my mid-twenties with silent suffering and an immense amount of fear. I tried to convince myself that it was in my head, or that this was just what "normal" felt like, but the fear and sense of alarm and desperation remained.


An unexpected series of events and choices led me in my twenties to study natural medicine, Chinese medicine, herbal healing and shamanic arts. I entered my first year of study in these modalities very ill, under-weight and psychologically barraged from a decade of suffering so much inside my body. What I experienced in the following five years of full-time learning, training and healing, and the subsequent years of practicing these modalities in the world, is more than can fit on this page or a hundred pages! But I can tell you the result: the health issues that plagued me for over a decade are completely resolved thanks to the tools and wisdom of Chinese medicine and the additional modalities that I now use to support others. 


I live completely free of the symptoms that once dominated my life, and without fear of their return, and I am grateful for this every single day. I have been through the darkest of mazes with my health and my psychological well-being because of my symptoms, and I came out on the other side.  


I picked up tools, knowledge, information and alliances along the way that I want to share with others who are going through something similar to what I have gone through. I can now offer all that I learned to others, as well as support and true understanding because I know how challenging it is to live with chronic or undiagnosed illness. And I know how to support others through a healing journey, and I care!


For many years I avoided recognizing that I wanted to work with people who experience similar issues as I did because it was such a harrowing experience for me, I wanted to move on from it the moment I felt totally healthy and well again. But I now feel so happy when I do this work because I see results that allow people to feel healthy again, and clients feel seen and understood during our time together, and it's incredible to be a part of this change and relief for others.

Training and Credentials 


Masters Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTCM)

National Certification as a Diplomate of Acupuncture (Dipl.Ac)

Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado and California (L.Ac)

Certification in Classical Chinese Herbolog

Certified Practitioner in the Arvigo® Technique of Maya Abdominal Therapy

Certified Practitioner of Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture and Microneedling Therapy

Certified Practitioner of Core Synchronism Therapy

You can read about the types of treatments that I offer or schedule your first appointment with me below. You are always welcome to contact me by phone or email before scheduling if you have questions about our potential work together.

My Story

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